Group fitness
Yarra Leisure offers an extensive range of group fitness classes to suit everyone, from low impact classes for beginners through to more challenging classes for experienced fitness fanatics.Sprung floors and air conditioning in a spacious area provide for the best aerobics work out area you can ask for!
All choreographed classes are designed to provide for a range of abilities and fitness levels with a fun workout.
Our classes include Les Mills’ Body Attack, Body Balance, Body Combat, Body Pump, Body Step and CXWorx.
Group Fitness timetable
Group Fitness flagging
8 April 2015We would like to thank all members and patrons that actively participated in classes that were red flagged and provided us with valuable feedback regarding the flagged group fitness classes.
All changes made to the new timetable, effective Monday 13 April, have been made after careful consideration of feedback forms submitted, class performance, and timetable structure.
Further information regarding Yarra Leisure's group fitness flagging process and timetable changes are available by clicking here.
How to choose classes
Group fitness classes used to be high-impact and high-injury, emphasising fancy choreography at the expense of cardio-vascular fitness. At Yarra Leisure, our group fitness classes are less stressful and much more effective, with greater focus on all-over conditioning.Get the workout your body needs. Exercise time is precious. Don't waste it. Choose a class tailored to your needs and fitness level.
Please see our class descriptions page for detailed information on all our group fitness classes.
Help everyone have safe and enjoyable workouts. Follow these simple tips.- Be sure to advise your instructor if you have any existing injuries/conditions or are pregnant, before the class.
- No bags are to be brought into the studios.
- For your safety please ensure you attend both the warm up and cool down phases of the class.
- If leaving before the class finishes please leave your equipment to be put away at the end of the session, to avoid disturbing others.
- Attendees to group exercise sessions should be aware of and respect the Group Fitness code of conduct in all our studios.
- Bring along a sweat towel, water bottle and comfortable clothing, shoes are compulsory - BODYBALANCE™, Yoga and Pilates being exceptions.
- Please ensure you are on time for your class, as refusal may offend. To avoid disruption and to prevent injury, we reserve the right to refuse entry to a class if you miss the warm up phase.
- We recommend the use of mats for Yoga, Pilates, & Body Balance - these are not provided but are available for sale at Reception.
Further information
Yarra Leisure
9205 5032